Why Introverts Make Great Network Marketers

Some experts say introverts comprise about a third of the population

As network marketers, introverts succeed because they create and lead organizations from a very focused place.

On a TedTalk show, Susan Cain explains how introverts bring extraordinary talents and abilities to the world, and should be encouraged and celebrated. In the following video, I describe how this applies to Network Marketing and why introverts make great network marketers.

One of the common traits is that Introverts are not interested in reaching a leadership status for personal glory, and they don’t want to create an organization based on their personality. Their emphasis is on building something, not on themselves.

Introverts Make Great Network Marketers Because…

They usually only speak when they have something to say, after they’ve had a chance to process information internally. Introverts don’t like to do chit chat. They feel it is insignificant to talk for nothing. If you’re going to talk, say something meaningful.

Introverts are better listeners. They have a capacity to listen and connect with people on an intimate level. They wait to speak until they have something to say. That’s because they are thinking and processing the information. They can make unexpected connections because they’re more focused on information input than output. And they’re often good at connecting the dots. The best networkers aren’t necessarily the best talkers, but the best listeners, the people who ask the right questions.

In a group setting, Introverts might meet just one or two people, but they make a more meaningful contact with these people and have, therefore, an opportunity of building a relationship.

Willing to put other people and their ideas in the spotlight. Servant leadership is characterized by a primary desire to be of service to others and to empower their teammates to grow. Servant leaders believe their organization goals are best achieved by developing the potential of their teammates. They’re not self-seeking and interested in grabbing all the attention. On the contrary, they want to shine the light on others in the pursuit of a greater purpose: the success of their organizations, projects or dreams.

Introverts make great network marketers because they don’t need external affirmation

For instance, they generally don’t look for people to tell them whether an idea is worth pursuing. They tend to think it through before speaking about it to anybody, and rely on their own judgment about whether it’s worth pursuing.

Extroverts need to get other people’s feedback and motivation. Feedback is great, of course. But at a certain point a network marketing leader needs to decide on a plan and execute it.

Introverts welcome external validation, but they won’t let it define them or distract them. It’s about keeping the long-haul perspective.

Because introverts aren’t looking for outside events to validate their plans—or themselves—they don’t take setbacks as personally as extroverts.

If you cannot stick it out through the time when you are not getting rewards, especially in the early times of building your downline organization, you aren’t going to make it.

If you have a very creative, self-motivated team, introverts are better at channeling that talent and staying out of their way—listening, taking in ideas, helping teammates shine.

But it’s time to recognize that introvert traits have long been undervalued in the network marketing world—and it may be time for extroverts to try and be more like introverts.

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With much admiration,

ariix leaders
Stephane Page
Canada: 819-321-9385
USA: 310-601-8262
Skype: stephpage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stephanepage2

Did you get my  4-part prospecting videos on How To Recruit 5+ Reps Into Your Business Each Month. This formula is how introverts make great network marketers.

4 thoughts on “Why Introverts Make Great Network Marketers”

  1. Leaders understand what’s important Now.
    They’re also wrapped in different packages…
    Thanks for sharing Stephane Page

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